Saturday, July 25, 2015

Are you still loosing time and money by doing email marketing in a wrong way ?

Whether you’re a small business owner, professional blogger, or marketing agency, it’s highly likely that you’ve considered email marketing as a way of engaging with your audience and driving conversions. 

The problem is that email marketing can be extremely time consuming, especially if you’re trying to manage it all by yourself.

The good news is that there are some fantastic pieces of email marketing software out there. One of the most popular ones among the beginners is GetResponse.

The course Email Marketing using GetResponse is an introductory course which will help you get started with Email Marketing. 

Throughout the course we will cover the basic techniques used by email marketeers across the world and walk you through a step-by-step process to apply those techniques in your marketing process.

We are using UDEMY for this course. You can enroll for the course here: